Link to the Socialist Rifle Association’s Facebook Page

Socialist Rifle Association: Never Disarm the Working Class!


About R. A. Weir

Father, Educator, and Amateur Philosopher with many opinions.
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2 Responses to Link to the Socialist Rifle Association’s Facebook Page

  1. Prole Center says:

    Reblogged this on Proletarian Center for Research, Education and Culture and commented:
    I imagine that all genuine socialists would condemn the obscene fetish with firearms pervasive in the U.S., but also recognize the necessity of arming the working class. There is absolutely nothing cool about deadly weapons, but in a revolutionary moment you might wish you had something more than a baseball bat, stones and Molotov cocktails to fight with.

  2. R.A.Weir says:

    I do not agree with the unregulated and insane use of firearms by an uniformed and drone like populace. However, if a fascist pig has a gun then we should be able to as well. Also, change is sometimes more effective with bullets than with rocks. Sorry if that sounds a little harsh, but it is true.

    A friend of mine created the SRA as a response to the NRA, but I think it has potential. We cannot allow the enemies of the people to threaten us unabated.

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